Alexander Smirnov

Alexander Smirnov was born on the 9th of April, 1947 in Yerevan, where his family was evacuated during WWII. Childhood and youth he spent in Voronezh Region. Having changed a few blue-collar occupations and served in the Soviet Army he enrolled at Penza Arts College named after Savitsky and graduated in 1975. Later he studied at Kharkov Institute's Department of Monumental Painting. Alexander Smirnov is a member of the Artists' Union of Russia and the International Arts Fund. In 2009 he was awarded with Gold Award "For Serving the Arts" of International Academy of Culture and Arts. Alexander Smirnov is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts Alexander Smirnov draws landscapes, portraits, and genre scenes, religious and symbolic compositions. In his landscapes one distinctly traces harmony between nature and the soul of the artist who constantly seeks truth and beauty. Participant of the XIII Florence Biennale in 2021.

Александр Смирнов

Chinese cycle

canvas, oil
In 2017, Alexander Smirnov visited China and created a series of thirty-eight works.

Russian cycle

canvas, oil
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